20 August 2018

Channel Zero rock HillRock Zwevezele in Belgium

Anyone who has ever been to a rock concert will tell you that poor quality sound or lights will kill the vibe. This was most-certainly NOT the case for HillRock. Channel Zero, the headlining act were flooded with light in the most harmonic and scene-setting way imaginable. The rig consisting of 10 Jetbeam2, 10 Starkblade8 and 6 Arenacob4FCs amongst others were operated by the talented Kurt Bethuyne. Artistic direction however has to be handed to lighting designer - Yves de Pooter. His use of the fixtures “really set the mood” said one very keen-looking punter.

The band really looked like they were having the time of their lives up on stage. The infinite pan and tilt of the Starkblade8 were a big winner with de Pooter. HillRock saw a huge variety of rockers and metal fans congregate and they continued straight through from the 16th to the 17th June. Photographer Franky Schutz captured the moments (above) that sent the crowds spiraling out of control into a rock/metal frenzy.

Channel Zero were caught after their show proudly showing off their unique PROLIGHTS swag. Channel Zero formed in 1990 and have grown to have an international following from heavy metal fans from all reaches of the globe.

Thanks again to the whole technical team involved in HillRock – we had a great time!

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