10 August 2018

The one family gathering people are wanting to be a part of… welcome Denmark!


Normally we all look for an excuse to get out of family gatherings. But, think of a fun family gathering, without the awkward silences and odd uncles but most importantly – one that everyone wants to be a part of. It is with this that we warmly welcome another distributor into our family (pictured below).

Gobo & Highlight A/S join us as the official distributor for Denmark. Jens Lind, Head of Sales joked: “They [PROLIGHTS] are a really cool bunch of people and their products are in great demand in Denmark as they are very well developed, and the service and aftercare customers get is amazing! We really are excited to work with all the brands and foresee great things”

Jeroen Carette, International Sales and Marketing Manager explains: “Jens is great. Gobo are the perfect fit for us in Denmark – they’ve done some great projects like the Ragnarock and renowned club Turbinen, we’re really excited to see what they have up their sleeves for the coming months! Welcome to the family guys!”

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