24 July 2019

Romanian Embassy reincarnates forgotten Byzantine Hall

France - The Romanian Embassy was installed in the Palais de Béhague (Paris 7) in 1939. Within it, is concealed an unexpected room. A theatre! The discovery of a theatre in an Embassy never fails to surprise and amaze those who visit. This theatre, built in 1898, is called the Byzantine Room, because of its largely Byzantine style decoration. It is an imposing, almost cubic space, twelve metres high, covered by an oculus dome and lined with stands and decorated with columns, capitals and arcades. This room can accommodate a variety of different events such as conferences, shows, parades, musical performances or theatre.

When Luca Luculescu the current ambassador, decided to give a second life to this abandoned theatre, he discussed options with Sébastien Collin, co-founder of DID TECHNOLOGY. The goal was to revive the theatre whilst modernising the facilities and developing a versatile solution that could adapt to any type of event that was organised.

For the stage element, 8 PROLIGHTS ECL FRESNEL units were selected in variable white along with 8 PROLIGHTS ECL HDL RGBA / Lime / Royal Blue. The PROLIGHTS brand was chosen for the high quality of the whites, the excellent CRI and the ability to dynamically enhance the scene with broad colour palette options.

The floor lighting concept incorporated 8 PROLIGHTS SOLAR27Q LED units, amongst other key factors such as energy efficiency, they were praised for their ease of install due to the compatibility with DMX HF. 
The 12 PROLIGHTS SMARTBATPLUS units were used to highlight architectural details such as columns and marquees. The flexibility of the battery operated PROLIGHTS SMARTBAT fixtures allow them to be moved effortlessly to animate other focal points and throughout other places within the Embassy.

Fixtures supplied through French Distributor ESL

Fixtures Used:


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