30 October 2020

PROLIGHTS shows solidarity with the #WeMakeEvents movement


Since the start of the pandemic, PROLIGHTS has been one of the thousands of companies worldwide in entertainment that has been largely hit by the snowball effects of COVID-19.

As a manufacturer of entertainment lighting and video equipment, with a strong presence internationally, the company felt the effects of a total shutdown of the theatre and live events industries, and a cut-back on public spending and delays of many projects that PROLIGHTS was involved with together with its partners.

Despite having been in the epicentre of cases in Europe and gone through a forced shutdown of the majority of the markets during the months of March and April, PROLIGHTS was able to keep all its staff at work through those times and made a point of not postponing or cancelling any on-going development. In fact, the company kept its ambitious product roadmap and strongly invested into the future of the industry.

There is, however, a sentiment of sadness for how the industry has been treated worldwide, by the many governments who neglect to acknowledge the fundamental role that entertainment has in the society. In a small gesture of solidarity, PROLIGHTS has been lighting up its building in red, joining the thousands of other companies that have been doing the same, raising awareness to local governments of the existence of this “invisible industry” and of how much further help the industry still needs. The entertainment sector is one of the most affected by the pandemic, having been the first to be shut down and likely the last one to open up.

“Our ambitious nature has kept us paddling against these strong currents, but we will surely come out stronger on the other side”, said Fabio Sorabella, MD at PROLIGHTS. “We fully support our customers and have worked with them to mitigate any struggles that came up during the past 8 months. We have also been organising online distributor meetings, sharing company updates and product training with a broad participation of customers attending each month, from different continents and time zones, only showing how driven people are to come back to normality”, added Fabio.
Based on Music & Light's 30 years of experience, constant investment in technology and staff is at the forefront of the company and the PROLIGHTS brand. Not only the companies have been working effectively but they have been following all the health and safety guidelines. The company is actively supporting vital activities such as #WeMakeEvents to ensure that our industry survives this unprecedented crisis.


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