27 November 2020

Andrea Bocelli shines with PROLIGHTS


Italian opera singer Andrea Bocelli played last October in Noto, Sicily. The Unesco heritage site turned into an incredible stage, showcasing a dreamlike atmosphere among the sinuous baroque architecture of the cathedral staircase. The artist was accompanied by the orchestra and choir of the Teatro Massimo Bellini in Catania.

The televised event, adapted for COVID-19 health guidelines, aimed to celebrate the seven Unesco sites present on the island and promote the region. Italian Lighting Designer Massimo Tomasino was responsible to create the celebratory atmosphere and enhance the features of the architectural feat that is the Noto Cathedral.

Massimo chose to use 40 units of ArenaCob 4FC, a full colour LED flood and blinder fixture, where ten where under the orchestra as back-lighting, twenty for the highest part of the cathedral and another then behind the public, lighting up the porches of the town hall. “They are excellent for their incredible power, colour saturation and even wash lighting. The LEDs render the colours extremely well,” said Tomasino.

Massimo is no stranger to Prolights and chooses to use the products when the right application comes up: “Often in my work there is a Prolights product - I frequently use the Air 6Pix, the Luma 1500SP, Halu Pix, Polar 3000. Above all, whenever I pick a product, I value output power and reliability,” the LD added.  


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