18 February 2021

Stockholm's City Theatre takes PROLIGHTS RA 3000Profile


Stadsteatern, Stockholm's City Theatre is eagerly waiting to open back its doors to audiences nationwide to debut their new PROLIGHTS Ra 3000Profile.

“Stockholm Stadsteatern puts on 6-7 different shows a week, ranging from musicals to rock concerts and theatrical performances. We needed a lighting system that could deliver in all these scenarios. The challenge was to find lighting that was sufficiently powerful without being noisy. The PROLIGHTS stage lighting system allowed us to achieve this,” said Tobias Jaeger, Lighting Technician at Stockholm Stadsteatern. Tobias added: “For theatre, it is important that the optics of the lamp produce a sharply defined cone of light on the stage floor. The edge of the illumination is razor-sharp with these PROLIGHTS' fixtures.”

The old halogen lights have now been replaced with LED-based lighting. The lighting rig above the theatre's main stage consists of, among other fixtures, 45 PROLIGHTS Ra 3000Profile units from Italy, which were supplied by Gobo.

Stockholm Stadsteatern wanted to achieve natural lighting with warm tones, despite the fact that this would mean reduced output. “Some people prefer the colder, powerful lighting. Instead, we were looking for warmer tones, with lower output that would produce lighting that is more natural. This is important on a theatrical stage, where actors' expressions and gestures need to be presented as clearly as possible,” said Tobias, adding: “The quality of stage lighting is absolutely crucial for theatres. We were more interested in intense lighting with good colour saturation than we were in raw power. The Ra 3000Profile allowed us to achieve this.”


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